like the piss and stench of the huddled traitors evaporates from the room and in that moment i can see her truly and she can see me too, beneath the body armor and weaponry my heart quietly thumps and whispers "drop the guns and grab her now's the time to make your run",
sitting in my transport as we slip through traffic veins she doesnt ask me where we're going only holds my hand and gaze, shes my only reason now and im her only hope to live, we pull up to the cabin way above this damned metropolis,
me and prisoner two four seven two nine zero zed, somewhere that is soilent green we're living life instead,
no more war on traitorism only me and her, she could clean my gun and i could help her clean the floor,
back to something natural we live off of the land, when radon levels drop we walk the trails and talk and laugh,
i'll tell her shes innocent and she'll show me shes not, i kiss the number on her arm then lay her on the cot,
im the first to touch her without gloves on, shes the first to kiss me without crying, life before her was just dying,
me and prisoner two four seven two nine zero zed, away from all this violence live inside eachother heads,
away from all this violence live inside eachother heads,
away from all this violence live inside eachother heads,
away from all this violence live inside eachother heads.
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